Has anybody gotten an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) in Japan?

So after I gave birth about an year ago (c section), I was left with a severe diastasis recti which I want corrected.

At 11 months postpartum I still look like I’m 6 months pregnant and I even get questioned about it. When I talked to my ob about it, she said that it’s normal and it will eventually go away 🥴

She didn’t even know what diastasis recti was, even if it had a term in Japanese too. I called many hospitals in my area (Ibaraki) and none seem to do it. There are not many cosmetic surgery clinics either. The ones that are in my area only do liposuction without the actual muscle repair which is my main problem.

I looked online and found some options in Tokyo but I am anxious. Has anybody been through this?


(No, working out won’t miraculously heal it. I need muscle repair, saggy skin removal, belly button reconstruction.)

I’m 24 and I lost all my self-confidence. It’s expensive af but I want it done. I am done having children.

  1. Cosmetic surgery should never be done in Japan unless you like burning money.

    South Korea is a three-hour flight away and much less expensive, even after paying for the tickets and accommodations. There are even cheaper options in other countries, but do extensive research before jumping into a butcher mill.

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