Worst/most racist tweets you’ve seen by foreigners

What is the worst/most ridiculous tweets you’ve seen by a foreigner living in Japan?

I think I’ve seen a guy saying “having a blonde person depicted in English textbooks is racist” once. If that’s the bar for racism, I think we’ve reached utopia.


  1. This is an odd question altogether and the example you’ve given is a bit strange too. The textbooks we used at my previous school depicted various ethnic groups.

    If you’re asking for “most racist” things said by foreigners I’d have to give the cake to “Black Pigeon Speaks” who’s an alt-right Nazi sympathizer who lives in Tokyo and makes videos about how Japan should only bring in white immigrants or otherwise it’ll turn into Zimbabwe. He has hundreds of thousands of followers on YouTube and collaborates with neo-Nazis. All of this despite the fact that he’s an immigrant ([and not a particularly good looking one](https://lastfm.freetls.fastly.net/i/u/770×0/2487351464d8b46f805f83f3a6057c28.jpg)) himself.

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