City officials work hard to learn “easy Japanese” to deal with rising foreign residents

City officials work hard to learn “easy Japanese” to deal with rising foreign residents

  1. Great thing!
    A big group of our labor force are philippinos and from what i heard, there are been a lot of misunderstanding.

    My company did some classes like these to help our japanese colleagues to improve their communication skills.

    Some are really simple, really good advices.

    Short phrases. Simple words. One or two orders max.
    Repeat twice every phrase just in case.
    Use common japanese, not dialect.

    A real misunderstanding i had at my company.

    Japanese colleague: 物から放せ!

    What, of course, my foreign colleague understood and panicked because had no sense : 物から話せ!

    Correct phrase: 物から手を放してください。

  2. Based on my personal tourism experiences, people switching to simple Japanese would often be much easier to understand than switching to broken English.

  3. Anyone who knows Japanese and lives in Japan knows how bullshit this is. They are just not using maximum keigo, with total disregard to if someone understand them or not. It’s just A change in policy of not treating the customer like shit because “rules say speak keigo.” Now they will just talk down to you in normal speak lol

  4. Am I the only one who finds it really amusing that they’re learning the simple version of their own language from foreigners? lololol.

  5. Can some one explain why if I’m fluent in Japanese and am in a desirable work field I can’t get a visa there? Meanwhile you have people that don’t know the language working there in low skill jobs.

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