>He and Chiaki are suspected of showing the girl images of aliens over the course of several hours after Chiaki invited her to their home with the promise that she could consult a genuine fortune teller.
WTF? Hours of images of aliens??
> his home in Higashiyamato, west Tokyo where he lives with his current wife and eight of his ex-wives, including Chiaki, as well as three children
>Shibuya then told the girl that she “would be abducted by aliens” unless she entered into a relationship with him. The girl believed him and promised to visit again
This poor kid…
I would have called this story unbelievable if I read it in a novel. The truth really is stranger than fiction.
> he lives with his current wife and eight of his ex-wives
Sounds more like a polyamorous sex cult than actual exes.
[https://goemon-jp.com/vi/news/japans-health-workers-labor-unions-go-on-a-national-strike-for-higher-pay-xzEM3bgnEHiXhS4XbLgzbN?language=en](https://goemon-jp.com/vi/news/japans-health-workers-labor-unions-go-on-a-national-strike-for-higher-pay-xzEM3bgnEHiXhS4XbLgzbN?language=en) by SnooPeripherals3688
[https://goemon-jp.com/vi/news/japan-airlines-improper-maintenance-on-some-aircraft-and-deletion-of-track-records-4KFTob4raktMKKRnFRWZaU?language=en](https://goemon-jp.com/vi/news/japan-airlines-improper-maintenance-on-some-aircraft-and-deletion-of-track-records-4KFTob4raktMKKRnFRWZaU?language=en) by SnooPeripherals3688
No. This is simple coercion if true.
This is the weirdest fucking story ever.
>He and Chiaki are suspected of showing the girl images of aliens over the course of several hours after Chiaki invited her to their home with the promise that she could consult a genuine fortune teller.
WTF? Hours of images of aliens??
> his home in Higashiyamato, west Tokyo where he lives with his current wife and eight of his ex-wives, including Chiaki, as well as three children
>Shibuya then told the girl that she “would be abducted by aliens” unless she entered into a relationship with him. The girl believed him and promised to visit again
This poor kid…
I would have called this story unbelievable if I read it in a novel. The truth really is stranger than fiction.
> he lives with his current wife and eight of his ex-wives
Sounds more like a polyamorous sex cult than actual exes.
[Brace yourself for these images of his face.](https://www.google.com/search?q=Hirohito+Shibuya&rlz=1CDGOYI_enJP1020JP1021&hl=en-US&prmd=inv&sxsrf=AJOqlzWXi6MtZ5JF42ZU5X796OAPlsQtcA:1675834314408&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjt3oyomYX9AhWS7WEKHZOCCzAQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=375&bih=553&dpr=2)
Not really shocking for Japanese, they seem to be ufo friendly.
It doesn’t matter how many times they reword this, it is not going to get any less bonkers.