My rights as a tenant?

Hi. I’ve been here a few months studying abroad and I got an apartment lease for 6 months, ending on Sep 30th. I extended my study abroad for another semester, and I let the company know that I wanted to extend my lease for another 6 months. They have told me that this isn’t possible as they have booked it for another person after I move out (which isn’t for another few months).

To me it seems odd that they would book my apartment for someone else without contacting me beforehand to see my desires on the lease.

Is there anything I can do in this situation or am I just better off finding a new apartment/cancelling my study abroad and going home?

  1. Depends on your contract type. If you were originally only on a 6-month term then you’re probably on a fixed/limited term contract and the management company doesn’t have to renew anything. The rolling contracts are usually on 2-year terms.

  2. What does it say in your lease? If you haven’t read it, now is a good time. In the future, please read it carefully before signing.

  3. >To me it seems odd that they would book my apartment for someone else without contacting me beforehand to see my desires on the lease.

    When you book a hotel for the night, you won’t be contacted about the next guest that will be staying in your room the next day. It’s the same way if it’s a short term rental and not a tenant contract.

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