does Oskar Leube give anyone else Walter vibes based off his in ring style? I saw that he was in wxw in 21′ but not sure if he trained with Walter or any of RingKampf

does Oskar Leube give anyone else Walter vibes based off his in ring style? I saw that he was in wxw in 21′ but not sure if he trained with Walter or any of RingKampf

  1. I was justtt thinkin that but damn that dude is pal as shit 😂 this pic isn’t bad at all but he was white as shit when the match started 😂😂 can’t wait to follow his career tho

  2. He’s from the same training facility Axel Dieter Jr./Ludwig Kaiser is. No direct connection other than wXw, could just be that both have a “European” wrestling style

  3. I didn’t really think about it before but yeah I see it, both are big pale white guys and Oskar has a very old school moveset that he uses very well

  4. He’s met and chatted with Walter, if not trained under him.

    Source: I briefly knew him for about a week.

  5. He’s the worlds most dangerous string bean. He looks lanky. I know he isn’t, it’s just his height.

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