Coming back on special re-entry

Hello guys. I was really happy when people helped me on my first post and I left Japan this morning because my flight got delayed.
I just finished the procedure.

My passport has a stamp saying « departed » and then I have the ED card stapled to that page. The back has a stamp saying « out of the country on a special re-entry » so I guess I am all good.

I was just wondering what the return process is like? I might have made a small mistake in the flight number I wrote on embarkation card so I am wondering if they will check that.

Do they just remove the paper or are there any more steps ?

Thank you everyone.

  1. The return process is simple and painless. Just give them the filled in return card, present your passport and card, and do the fingerprint dance.

    Also remember you can use the special lane for returning residents, assuming it’s open.

  2. Also need to do a website thing, visitjapan.
    It’s about your 3 vaccinations and also (optional) your items of declaration.

  3. Leave the disembarkation part of the card stapled in your passport and fill it out (you don’t need to fill the return part out until you are coming back). Ignore any attempts on the flight for the attendants to give you an entry form, reentrants don’t need it. Get a yellow customs form only if you haven’t done the online customs declaration.

    If you filled out the online medical questionnaire and uploaded your vaccine certificate, load up the screen in the web app and you will be seamless directed through the queues avoiding the manual quarantine checks.

    Follow signs (orange) for immigration for re-entry, not the queues for general foreign passport holders. Give the your passport to immigration. You do not need to give them your zairyu card. They will scan it, remove the stapled paper and scan that and ask you for fingerprints and photo taking. They will stamp your passport with the arrival stamp. probably next to the departure stamp.

    If you have done the customs declaration online, after picking uo your bags, go to the auto customs lanes at one end and scan your customs barcode in the web app and your passport. Otherwise fill out the yellow customs slip and go through the normal manned gates, they will also want your passport.

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