Educational Choices for Artists

I want to move to Japan by the end of the year. I have close to 30’000 or so dollars saved up and I’m planning to continue working even now. For the moment I’m researching and sending emails to schools that strike my face in terms of cost reputation. I’ve sent emails to some colleges in the NSG College League, Kyoto Seika, and Osaka University of the Arts. I’m in community college currently at my 2nd year and I’m planning to take one more semester. I’m looking for colleges in Japan that also provide an introduction to the industry of character design and concept art. That and I just want to live there as well. Any recommendations are appreciated especially for any programs for teaching Japanese.

1 comment
  1. Do you speak fluent Japanese?

    Pretty much every program in your chosen field of study is only going to be offered in Japanese. Pretty much every school requires you to have JLPT N2 before they will even allow you to apply, but for an art program you’ll need much higher fluency to have any chance of actually graduating.

    >I’m in community college currently at my 2nd year and I’m planning to take one more semester.

    Your community college credits are meaningless in Japan. You’ll be starting over from zero.

    >I have close to 30’000 or so dollars saved up

    That will cover ~2 years worth of student visas. How are you going to fund the rest of your 4-year degree?

    >I’m planning to continue working even now.

    Be aware that if/when you come to Japan you’re only allowed to work 28 hours a week on a student visa.

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