Looking for piano teaching <> english/STEM teaching exchange (I will teach English/STEM)

I’m looking to learn the piano. If someone wants to learn English or STEM related things (I’ve tutored math before and have an engineering degree), I’m looking to exchange skills. Probably a much higher demand for English I would suspect.

  1. Check around with some of the major piano schools: when I was just starting out I was offered free piano lessons in exchange for free piano lessons (for the school’s teachers). I turned it down and paid for lessons, but the offer was there.

    Lessons are not as expensive, at the major schools, as you might think (maybe ¥5000 for two 30 minute lessons per month), which, as a beginner, will be enough for you: once you get the basics of touch and how to read music, much of your work will be practice alone.

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