Side work and resident tax(住民税)


I’m working for a company under the Humanities visa. My visa for 1 year.

Also I do some side jobs like translation news from mother language or translation of some news videos to Japanese. I prepare subtitles too. This kind of jobs related my visa and there is no restriction on immigration side.

However, my company sponsored my visa and they say you are not allowed side jobs. (I know some foreigners in my company. They are do side jobs too. They have Japanese nationality or permanent visa. )

I don’t want to tell my side job to my company. I do side jobs while holiday or not working.

Company employees have the inhabitant tax deducted from their monthly wages, so there is a possibility that the company will find out about side job due to the increase in inhabitant tax.

I want to reduce the risk of my side job being discovered, I will choose to pay the inhabitant tax by myself through “ordinary tax collection” instead of “special tax collection,” which is deducted from salary.

Is it enough?

I will prepare some tax documents and give them to HR for visa extension this year. I don’t go to Shinagawa. My company going there behalf of me.

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