I suck at studying

So I’ve been attending this school for almost 2 months now for n5. I’ve been self studying for 2 months before I enrolled in this program. On our first or second week I always excel in my class, I know a bunch of vocabulary and other things that are about in Japan which gave me the edge compared to my classmates I also topped our quizzes and exams but as the days goes by I feel like I’m getting dumb and dumber.

I am finding it hard to understand the new topics that are being discussed like conjugating verbs, nouns, adjectives and the proper usage of particles. I can read and understand the questions in my quizzes but sometimes I don’t know if I can answer it right or if my grammar is correct.

I really love Nihongo and I really want to learn but I feel like I lost the pacing that I had when I was studying just by myself. And it somehow demotivates me.

  1. Read the next day topic and go through new words and or character the night before. That way you know the days topic, which makes it easier to focus on listening and talking. N5 is basic but so important to lay down the foundation that you need.


  2. This sounds like the typical case where, because you knew the earlier material, you didn’t give yourself the chance to create effective study methods and, now that you’re on new material, you’re just now hitting the wall that the other students had already hit in the beginning weeks.

    This isn’t a personal attack and I’m not calling anyone out. In the beginning of most new subjects, there’s a wall that the majority of students hit where they’re not able to retain information well because they have yet to develop proper study methods and you’re just hitting that a bit later.

    The reason I’m explaining this is to let you know that what you’re going through is totally normal and after putting in a bit more effort trying a few different ways of studying you should be back on par with your other classmates!

    Good luck = )

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