Weekly Weekend Thread – 13 February 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. In an attempt to “level up” I’ve skiid every weekend this year so far. My legs are in tatters. I also feel the snow isn’t as good as last year… and the lifts are definitely busier in Hakuba and Niseko at least. It’s nice to have all the bars and restaurants open again though

  2. Went skating with my husband on Sunday. He enjoyed it too despite only being the 2nd time in his life.

  3. Day out with muh kid on Sunday. Searched for doughnuts on Google Maps and found a place I hadn’t been to some 1h away. Turned out to be one of those places where the room can fit about two standing people. Good value — got away with 3 doughnuts and a coffee for under 1000 yen. Went to a new park to enjoy.

    Then, went to an appealing Showa style restaurant I found nearby that had rave reviews. I got up to the place and it was mostly empty. I was asked if I had a reservation, which I did not and was told it’d be at least 40 minutes? Ah well, decided to head home another way: a series of three busses. Maps gave some inaccurate information so we had to improvise, but all in all a small adventure.

  4. Made 6 liters of natsumikan juice, built my pea frames, and went for a nice walk with my wife.

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