Bringing animal remains with me to Japan from USA?

I hope this is the right place to post this/NSFW because animal death/remains:

Please help, I need an answer by tomorrow. Online i see restrictions for bones for things like cows and even dogs, but not cats, so I am unsure. I’m also unsure of the paperwork/procedures I may have to do if so, it’s all very vague. I’ve checked International Trade Administration, Japan Customs, as well as other animal import sites, but mostly it’s about live animals or meat. Thank you anyone for any advice at all.

I will have my cats ashes, and will be receiving his skull back in a year. I’ll be going to language school in April 2023 and am worried about being able to take it with me (especially since I plan on finding work after that and staying in Japan long term if possible). If anyone has any advice or know what the regulations are for importing animal bones from USA to Japan I would be very grateful for the help. I need to know before I give them the go ahead for the aquamation the rest of his remains without his skull tomorrow. I also would like to know if importing the ashes will be ok. I assume so, since that’s more common for people to have remains of their family. But I haven’t been able to find any information on it. I’m very worried about this, he very recently passed at 19 and I’m not sure what to do if I can’t bring him with me. I don’t have family to hold on to it for me and I’m sure none of my friends would want to keep that either, so I am hoping there is a way.

Edit: thank you everyone for the help in my moment of panic. I did try to contact customs but couldn’t get through, likely because it’s the weekend. A little background info, my cat was very healthy and the vets all said he’d be healthy enough for that trip even though it’s quite a long one. If he wasn’t going to be healthy enough to make it, I wouldn’t go. The plan was to take an alive kitty, and we had gotten done with the rabies vaccines and prep work he needed. He died suddenly yesterday due to an accident, and I’m in a bit of a panic over what to do and everything that happened.

  1. > I also would like to know if importing the ashes will be ok. I assume so, since that’s more common for people to have remains of their family.

    1: assume nothing

    2: the ashes of your loved ones includes the skull, assuming they weren’t highlanders.

    >I don’t have family to hold on to it for me and I’m sure none of my friends would want to keep that either, so I am hoping there is a way.

    Well, it’s pretty strange isn’t it?

    Anyway, here’s the number for customs. It’s Saturday though, so you’re probably out of luck.

    Probably shouldn’t have waited so long to ask.

  2. You need to contact MAFF as they’re the only ones who can advise.

  3. >I need an answer by tomorrow

    ~~Frankly, if you need an answer by tomorrow you have waited~~ ***~~far too long~~*** ~~to ask this question.~~

    **EDIT:** Based on your edit, it’s not a case of “waited too long”, but unfortunately the point remains. The chances of getting this sorted out before tomorrow are pretty slim. /edit

    The ashes (almost) certainly aren’t an issue. The skull is (almost) certainly going to be restricted. But you’re figuring it out *ridiculously* late, so…

    At this point your options are “Get rid of the skull” or “Take your chances and YOLO it”. Option #1 is honestly the only sane solution. If you YOLO it and get caught you’re going to have to throw your beloved cat’s bones in the garbage.

  4. I’m sorry for your sudden loss. As other have said, best to contact customs directly for an answer. I doubt many people in this forum have transported animal remains into Japan.

  5. So firstly, I’m very sorry for your loss.

    Now oddly enough, my cat also died before I could take him to Japan, and I had his skull preserved.

    Please know that there shouldn’t need to be a rush to get your cat cremated. As weird as it sounds, because I had planned the taxidermy beforehand, the company that did it gave me instructions. Because I couldn’t drop him off due to COVID restrictions, I kept him in the freezer for a week (yes it was kind of weird knowing my dead cat was in the freezer, but it meant he could be preserved).

    Regarding the importation: I’m not sure yet as I opted to leave his skull with a friend while I moved, but I imagine it will be fine but it may need to be gamma irradiated (I know this is now some items are treated to enter Australia).

  6. Sorry for your loss.

    I have carried the ashes of both a grandparent and dog into Japan without any problems. (Dog was in my suitcase, grandparent we carried in hand luggage just in its own paper bag). Although we didn’t specifically declare it or anything.

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