Flying to NA east coast with a 1 year old.

Probably could ask this in some travel sub as well but hoping there are others with this experience. My wife and I were planning to travel in summer but there is the chance that it might be only me with our toddler. With both of us I could see us taking turns and doing the infant on lap option but now I’m not sure how a 10 hour or so flight with infant on lap. What happens if I need to use the washroom, etc.?? On one hand I can’t imagine doing this but I don’t want to delay meeting the grandparents anymore.

  1. Admittedly my son is pretty tall for a one year old but as soon as he started walking, he does not want to sit on anyone’s lap anymore so we just spring for his seat. It’s so much better for him and for me.

    As for going to the bathroom, you can actually ask the flight attendants to watch him. The first time I flew with my kid was when he was 7 months and when I was boarding, some of the nice attendants said that if I needed help or watch him or hold him while I go to the bathroom to let them know. When he was small I took him with me but now I just bring go to the toilet by the galley and ask one of the flight attendants there to watch him and he knows I’m right inside so he is pretty good about that.

  2. > I don’t want to delay meeting the grandparents anymore.

    Why don’t the grandparents fly here instead? My parents did, and they had a great time, with the added bonus that they got to interact with my wife’s folks quite a bit – we rented a house in Izu for everyone (surprisingly inexpensive) for a few days of their stay and we had BBQs and a trip with baby to Izu Shaboten Zoo (open air zoo with free interaction with many animals) which was a great photo op to get baby pics with various animals.

  3. See if you can get a basinet. Different airlines have different size/weight limits, and they can’t be in there during turbulence, but it’s a good alternative to holding them the entire time. Other than that, it’s pretty much hell.

    Our 10 month old didn’t sleep on the way there, but she did on the way back and it was much nicer. I don’t know how you could do it by yourself, it was so hard with two of us. Get lots of sleep beforehand, i guess.

  4. Infant on lap is common but it’s not the safest way for a baby to fly in case there is turbulence. If you can afford a seat and use a car seat, it’s the best way.

  5. Don’t try to be a hero, book at least Premium class.
    Extra room is great, bring toys, even iPad for the baby if need be.
    I would recommend finding flights that coincides with sleeping time, thus your kid will be sleeping through most of the flight.

  6. Ask the airline… if you buy premium economy you can often get a front wall attached cradle bed for your kid for free.

  7. When you book your ticket, reserve a bassinet that attaches to the bulkhead. You’ll sit in one of the front seats. Works fine. Simply take your infant with you when you go to the bathroom, there are bathrooms in planes that have little bassinets for your child.

    Our youngest cried a lot on one flight, slept like a…er, baby on the other flights, so YMMV.

    My wife also flow internationally alone with *two* kids (wasn’t the original plan, but such is life), one in a bassinet the other in a seat, and had no issues.

    You can also ask a flight attendent to watch your child for a bit if the baby is sleeping in the bassinet and you want to run to the bathroom. I don’t know for certain, but would not surprise me if flight crew are not allowed by policy to hold your baby.

  8. Went to France with our 1yo.

    Call them and ask to reserve a basinet, this helps a LOT. Especially since the toddler will be able to sleep on a horizontal surface, you not being far away but free to roam/go to the restroom etc.

    The younger they are the easier it is since mostly they eat/sleep. Once they start walking around and stuff it becomes harder.

    Also, be ready to potentially spend a lot of time with a crying infant. Their ears are very sensible to air pressure and for some of them it hurts a lot thus they cry a lot, nothing you can do about it…

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