What do you usually say when someone asks you to “Speak to me in Japanese” after you tell them you’re learning?

Some people ask me that but I don’t know it’s kinda weird for me to do that. English is my second language but, If someone asks me to speak my first language to them I feel like my brain is not wired to do it. I get too self conscious of what I’m saying and how I’m saying it.

  1. Are we talking about conversations?

    I think you just do what you can. It’s hard if you have other languages to fall back on, it might be hard to stay the course.

  2. I usually just ask them what they’d like me to say. I’m not so fond of “performing” as if it’s some kind of party trick.

  3. If it were me, I will, they requested for it anyway so they must suffer the consequences of me totally butchering their language 😅

    Just kidding, I think you should just try the best you could, they will know if you are a beginner or intermediate level and will give you proper feedback accordingly.

  4. I just say: I started studying three years ago, but my Japanese is bad, ne.

    Fortunately, that’s just Jouzu enough for them because they don’t know any Japanese.

  5. I ignore them because they have no idea what they’re talking about. Language isn’t some party trick or circus performance.

  6. Usually just jikoshoukai. Easy enough to not having to think about it and long enough to impress people who don‘t know any Japanese.

  7. Nice to meet you, my name is…
    The book is on the desk.
    The futon is in the corner.
    Who are you?
    How much is that? Wow, that’s expensive!

  8. I will tell them my favorite phase when VC/chat in league and valorant – ch*nch*n daisuki nandayo

  9. > お兄ちゃん、もう、やめてよ、兄弟だし、しかも男同士。でも、お兄ちゃんの手が気持ちよすぎて拒めない。

    Something like that, when they ask me what it means I just say it means “These doughnuts are delicious. Jelly filled doughnuts are my favorite.”

  10. 日本語を話すように聞かれたら何を話せばいいかよくわからないなー

  11. Saw answer in another thread:

    The duolingo classic

  12. 僕のピコは世界一の近代的な健作ですね。朝に見ても、夜に見ても、すぐに気持ちよくなるように見てください

  13. [あ、ごめん。日本語ができません。あ!待って!今は日本語を話しました!すごい!上手ですね。。。。僕。。。日本人かな。。」

  14. 誰にも見せらないもの、頭の中で溢れて間違いさえない世界へ迷い込んでいる

  15. なんで?あきらめたはずなのに。なぜ、立ち上がる。なぜあがく?生きる意味なんてどこにもない。何が私を。。。ごめん、言い過ぎた。

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