Shadowing in Japanese Recommendations

What are your thoughts on finding something like this: [](

In the segment I linked, the characters are speaking very clear and easy to understand Japanese. This is important, because I’ve made the decision to learn pitch accent and I want to be able to pick up on the nuances of how to say a word properly.

Any recommendations for any Japanese spoken in a similar way in the video? I also find the way they speak Japanese very beautiful, maybe the music plays a part there.

I’m fine if you have a specific seiyuu that you are a fan of. I also wouldn’t mind any J-drama’s. One J-drama I like is “Nihonjin ga shiranai Nihongo” because it’s almost catered to foreign learnings of Japanese

  1. sakura tips might work

    it’s not interesting like a video game or drama, she just says normal random stuff about her life

    the appeal is in that, she makes a new video almost every day and it has the Japanese text, so you can use it for shadowing, and she talks pretty slow and clear

  2. I know this is off topic, but holy shit that’s a beautiful cutscene. I’m actually contemplating getting involved with KH now.

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