Somehow got my Yahoo ID banned in the process of creating it, is there really no way to contact their support without having to log in using an ID?

Not really sure what I did still, but one night I was rushing a bit to create an ID before bed, so I wasn’t really paying close attention to the translated text. Upon trying to log in since then, I get this message, “We have restricted the use of the ID in accordance with the terms of service because an operation or action suspected of unauthorized use was detected. If you need an ID, please obtain a new one”. Bear in mind, I only created this to use for an auctions account, and I haven’t even done anything to the account besides the initial setup, I have no idea what could have flagged me.

It then directs me to create a new ID, which on the surface seems like a simple task, except for the fact that it won’t let me since it’s tied to a JPN phone number, and when I try to enter my old one it tells me, “This mobile phone number cannot be used because we have confirmed that you have violated Yahoo! JAPAN’s terms of service”…

So it also offers direction to go to a help page, with a chat bot that is the most useless thing I’ve ever encountered, and also suggests using the inquiry form if there is still an issue. Again, sounds like a simple task, but nope, it requests an ID to even contact support for some reason. Maddingly, this takes me back to square one, and it seems like I am fucked for who knows what reason forever, or at least until I get a new phone number, which won’t realistically happen for the foreseeable future…

Is there really no other way to contact their support about this? Having a feature like this seems like it would obviously be problematic for this very reason, so I can’t believe there is no other way to get ahold of a live agent, nor even an email…

Do I just have to give up on using one of Japan’s biggest online service platforms, or is there some other way to get help that I am missing? This seems to be too much of convoluted process to be true for something that should be so simple, so I’m hoping I’m just overlooking something. Please advise…

  1. There was someone here exactly like you. I even double checked the username. It’s possible that your phone number was misused before. Numbers are recycled. Perhaps have receipt to show them you get it recently.

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