Questions about Finance Internship at Apple

Hi, I’m a uni student in Tokyo who’s hoping to work in Investment Banking after I graduate. I thought that I would just choose an internship through my school, but I was looking around online the other day and I found out that Apple was recruiting Finance Interns. The thing is, I don’t really have any relevant experience as I had always been planning to start interning on my Junior year. I’ve read on reddit that it’s probably a good idea to get internship experience first, but I’m not sure if it’ll be the same since this is in Japan. I saw the requirements and I kinds thought that it was a pretty low bar for Apple so I figured they’d want someone with experience. I’m even taking online courses for the related position hoping that I’ll get accepted. Should I continue and try to apply, or should I not even bother since they probably want someone with experience? For context, [these]( are the requirements. My previous work experience is pretty much limited to English teaching at an international school, and I do attend a rather well-regarded university, though I’m not sure if that’ll matter. Can anyone share their experiences if they’ve interned at Apple Japan before? Thank you!

  1. What type of role are you looking for ?
    Front Office is highly competitive.
    Operations ? (Middle, Back, IT, Audit, Compliance, etc)

    Not sure whats your understanding of finance is but finance role type at a Fang tech like company and at an IB have nothing in common.

    Also make sure you are highly fluent in JP, the only non JP fluent speaker I met in IB here were either in a technical position (executing flow, quant, etc) or years of xp under belt.

  2. Can’t speak to the finance side but I think having a corporate role at Apple on your resume (even if it’s an internship) can’t be a bad thing.

    It’s certainly something to differentiate you from the crowd and a talking point when you get to the stage of looking for a full-time job.

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