Useful iPad apps for class?

Hello everyone, I’m getting an iPad to help with lessons, and was wondering if anyone had any good apps on the iPad they recommend for classes.

  1. Depends what age are the students. I use Miro often with my Year 10 – 12. Not an app but I also often use Mentimeter with my classes.

  2. I’m assuming you have projectors and a connector for your iPad.

    I use an iPad mini and my students have other tablet computers or smartphones in class.

    Decibel X for pair and group work to indicate what sound level range is okay.

  3. I don’t bother with apps during classroom time. I just save a bunch of photos from Google based around a theme and talk about that for about five minutes. Great way to get the kids of any age to voice their opinion about something.

    (perfect example, last week was Black Friday in America. Showed some pictures pre-Covid of people lining up and acting crazy when the doors opened. Even showed a video off YouTube)

  4. If you have a Mac and you’re allowed to use it (to project your presentations), you can essentially run keynote on your mac and control/write on it from your ipad. I did this and I really liked it because it let control and write on my presentations from wherever in the room.

  5. Does your school have a budget for classroom apps? I’m asking because those kinds of apps have emerged into paid subscription plans. Not much like the wild west like 3-5 years ago. Besides, school districts from outside of Japan have some kind of government budget and there is some kind of secured integration which has various kinds of educational apps.


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