11-day itinerary check: Ehime/Tokushima/Osaka/Kyoto/Nara

Hello! I’m wondering if this itinerary is feasible. I don’t have a car, so far places will be reached by planes, trains or buses. Is it worth getting the JR Pass for this itinerary? Appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks!

**Day 1: Fly to Matsuyama (Ehime)**
– Dogo Onsen
– Ishiteji Temple

**Day 2: Take bus from Matsuyama to Tokushima**
– Naruto Whirlpool cruise

**Day 3: Take train from Tokushima station to Iya Valley Bridge (insanely long journey for a round trip but will do it anyway)**
– Spend some hours here and then return to Tokushima station

**Day 4: Take bus from Tokushima to Osaka**
– Explore central area (depends what time I arrive)

**Day 5: USJ**
– After USJ take train to Kyoto

**Day 6: Kyoto**
– Bus to Kiyomizu dera
– Walk to Gion
– Lunch at matcha cafe (any recs? I’ve been to tsujiri before so looking to try others)
– Explore other Gion areas
– Geisha performance in the evening

**Day 7: Arashiyama**
– Train to Arashiyama
– Evening go to Ginkakuji and then walk through the Philosopher’s Path
– If time walk to Nanzenji

**Day 8: Fushimi Inari Taisha**
– Will probably spend 3-4 hrs here but don’t know if I can do anything else on this day

**Day 9: Kinkakuji Temple**
– Where else to go?

**Day 10: (Tentative) Kurama/Kibune Hike**

**Day 11: Nara**
– Go to Mt. Yoshino
– Return to Osaka to fly out the next day

  1. Why not go to Osaka from Tokushima instead of coming back to Matsuyama? I think it’s more efficient.

  2. Make sure you look up the optimum whirlpool times for the day you want to go to Naruto and make sure you can make it there. It’s a long way from Tokushima Station via train and bus. Whirlpool times are connected to the tide and the optimum time is different every day. The cruise website will have a timetable.

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