Which English school pays the most?

I want to quit my current job. I looked up Eikawas and it works into my schedule ( I would prefer to work nights)
Which one pays the most. It looks like Aeon and ECC are the biggest but I’m sure there are better companies that pay more

  1. Aeon (advertised around ¥280k), Berlitz (¥275k) and ECC (advertised around ¥270k).

  2. They all tend to pay a lot less than what they advertise.
    Also eikaiwas tend to work ALOT more hours than ALT.

  3. Amity used to pay 275k a month with a max of 40k of that going to a rented house found for you. Pay rises were 20k a year to a max of 355k.

    Working hours are generally Tuesday to Saturday with an average of 28 classes a week depending on location.

  4. You will not really find much better than the standard that all of the companies are at. If you ask me, I would still say that ECC offers the best conditions, as long as you are fine teaching plenty of kids.

    Unlike Aeon, ECC’s materials and curriculum are all prepared. You basically plug and play and you after a while you can do the work respectably well while on auto-pilot.

    Also unlike Aeon, at ECC you don’t have to try to sell merchandise, which annoys the heck out of a lot of workers.

    Aeon is usually one teacher-one school, whereas at ECC there is a better opportunity for you to socialize with other foreigners, which you may appreciate.

    I cannot knock Berlitz much, and they are in a teacher crunch so they will be happy to interview anyone I think; but their work week is 40 hours while ECC’s is 35 hours.

    Finally, if you work for ECC’s eikaiwa department, it may be easier for you to get in on its kindergarten dispatch department, which pays better. The kindie visits are open to non-ECC eikaiwa workers too but I feel like ECC is more gentle when managing its own workers in terms of scheduling issues and the like.

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