What recipes involve mame miso? What I’ve read says a different kind or doesn’t say at all. I want to get it right.

What recipes involve mame miso? What I’ve read says a different kind or doesn’t say at all. I want to get it right.

  1. Apparently it has very little koji, so it should be more similar to korean doenjang: darker and with a stronger flavor.

  2. You can use it in whatever miso recipes you want, but be aware that it’s a lot stronger than red miso, so you may have to reduce the amount you add.

  3. Mame miso just means “bean miso” it’s typically used to describe miso that’s made with just soybeans and salt (most miso is made with rice or barley koji). This makes the flavor much more pronounced (sharp like cheddar cheese) and it’s not as sweet as other types of miso. Hatchomiso (a brand name) is a type of mamemiso and it’s the type of miso most commonly associated with Aichi prefecture (though it’s also made in other regions).

    It can be used in everything you’d typically use miso for (soup, sauces, marinades, etc), but keep in mind the flavor is much stronger. The odd thing is that the photo of the soup on the package does not look like it was made with mamemiso. The soup would turn a much darker chocolate brown if it were.

    Personally, I like using this type of miso blended with milder types of miso in dishes like Dengaku and Mabo Tofu.

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