General Discussion Thread – 14 February 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. EDIT: Boy, some of you feel very strongly about ¥1 coins. I apologize if my intended light-hearted topic disrupted your Tuesday.

    What on Earth am I supposed to do with all these ¥1 coins?? I just moved here recently and the pile of them just keeps growing. I’ve been trying to avoid getting more change by only using my Pasmo or my credit card, but sometimes you need to use cash and then comes another batch of coins that I never use… What do you do with your ¥1 coins?

  2. Either I suck at choosing strawberries or the pack of jp strawberries from costco suck. They were mid af, lowkey wished i got the discroll ones.

  3. This morning I was walking to work and a busy intersection had 2 police workers per side (8 total) and I thought for sure I would be asked for my residence card.

    Not only was I wrong but I saw them stop a cyclist who ran a red light and take the guy to a parking lot. One of the rare times I saw them give a traffic ticket to someone.

  4. Too hard to get the Rakuten cc. My wife’s been struggling to get the rakuten cc for last 2 years. No missed payment or blacklisted. Strange thing is within these years she also applied other cc like amex, aeon, epos.. and she got it. But wondering why is rakuten rejecting her 🤔

  5. My kid has to say her name, kindergarten and what she wants to be when she grows up as part of the graduation ceremony. She sounds like a captured marine, repeating her name, rank and serial number. She’s standing at attention when she does this. It makes me uncomfortable.

  6. In Tokyo for a few days, I’m not sure what to do except try out restaurants and cafes. I don’t mind the crowds though (so far), but almost everything is exactly as I expected, which isn’t a bad thing I guess lol.

    Still excited about Yokohama and possibly Nikko!

  7. Any big difference between the nuro 2giga and 10giga for the average person? My home currently has docomo Hikari and I’m paying like ¥6300 after taxes and router rental. Nuro currently has free installation and offering to pay for cancellation fees as well as the first year being like ¥1000 a month. I’m curious if it’s worth it switching.

  8. How fucked I’m for speeding up to 130 on a 80km road in the express highway and getting catch by the camera
    First time getting a fine 😖

  9. What’s the most natural way to word “May I cash this check please?” I just asked これを現金に換えますか which did the job but I got もう一度’d by the post office attendant lol.

    Any good sites that report on Japanese art house film and independent movies? I love checking them out but feel like I only ever hear about them when they hit English language news. I’m sure checking out different art house theatres in Tokyo and seeing what they’re screening will do it but if there’s a good site send it my way.

  10. I’m thinking about buying a countertop Panasonic dishwasher (model NP-TCR4).

    I’m wondering if its even worth it. I’m thinking about this model because I don’t have much space, so I would stick it on a 10cm window frame and make some kind of base to support the front, leaving me with less light and a weird looking kitchen.

    I live alone, but every time I wash dishes I think I’m wasting time on something a machine could do better (or do they?).

    Also, should I buy it new or used? How long do these things last for?

    Anyone here has one of these small countertop dishwashers?

  11. What 不動産do you recommend when looking for apartment in Tokyo while you live in other Prefecture?

  12. there’s been a lot of times when Japanese people responded to my jokes like they didn’t understand I’m joking but now that I think of it a lot of those might just be a poor attempt at tsukkomi (my humor is very boke)…

  13. Got my visa renewal postcard. Took three weeks??! Shockingly fast.

    Now I wait for Friday to see how long they gave me…

  14. I want to quit my job. But don’t have anything lined up next. Been talking to a recruiter but nothing’s panning out. I don’t know how long I can keep this up.

  15. I want to check out what martial art classes they offer at budoukan (not the concert venue) but I kept postponing going over there smh.
    Looking to continue karate but those people carrying long bows also look cool af

  16. 3D printer finally arrived. Been designing all kinds of crap in Autodesk Fusion 360. Never designed anything physical before, this is so much fun!

  17. Discovered yesterday that you can use your My Number Card to print a copy of your 住民票 and other documents and the conbini, don’t need to go to the local city office. And it’s cheaper! 300¥ at family mart and 470¥ at the city office.

  18. Did anyone do the spouse part time work recently? Seems it says it takes 2 to 10weeks, wondering how much time it takes in practice right now (Tokyo)

  19. A couple days ago I took part to a purification ritual to clean myself of kegare and, as said by the miko, ward off jinx.

    Was my first. Pretty interesting stuff.

    Ironically a couple hours later a heap of snow fell from a roof straight onto me right while I was thinking “what a beautiful day, I feel so lucky!”.

    That was a first too. It took me by surprise.

    But hey, today the train was packed and I managed to find a seat while all the other poor fellas had to spend one hour standing on their feet. Little bit of luck!

  20. what are the rules for giri Choco in the workplace? do you give them if you’re attached? do you receive them if you’re attached?

  21. How to properly peel a mikan – is this really a Japan only thing?

    It seems that every time I peel a mikan someone around me has to comment on it and proudly show how it’s done correctly (starting from the bottom center, all in one piece in a starshape).
    Same shit with apples, the old long spiral, boing boing.

    Is this part of the curriculum at school or why does everyone seem so passionate about this?
    Like, I know how to do that but I don’t care?
    (Peeling grapes is another story, that’s just plain ridiculous.)

    Tried having small talk about this, people seemed offended, haha.

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