How to become better at using vocabulary?

Recently, I took n2 and I think I am pretty good with the words. Also, I am fairly good at grammar but when I am speaking or writing, for output, I am still using usually n4 grammars and vocabulary. How can I improve my Japanese output? Any good advice or shortcut you people can give me? Thank you for advance to all of you for your helps.

  1. I’m nowhere near N2, but what I do is try writing something every day and incorporate spevific grammar or vocabukary that either are new to me ir I’m struggling with. And keep doing that until it comes more naturally. It takes a bit of effort, but it’s just a matter of slowly pushing yourself out of your comfort level for output more and more.

    I think places like LangCorrect and Journaly are great for this because you can practice writing and get corrections, and they keep track of your daily streak.

  2. same as ever bro. Just keep praticing and studying.

    write as much as you can, read as much as you can, speak as much as you can etc. There’s no shortcuts only effort.

  3. Because “Just Practice” sounds too easy to be the answer:

    So, I have a set of twin daughters, they’re 3. Baby A is verbal, and is starting to talk in complete sentences. Baby B is largely non-verbal and only says a few words and mainly uses gestures and screams.

    Both A and B can understand and follow the same commands. They understand the same concepts. In fact, in the beginning A and B knew and could say/use the same words.

    The main difference between A and B is, Baby A was CONSTANTLY trying to talk. Babble + words she knew, gradually to broken English, say, “Toy hdlfjs ground!” or just “Toy ground!” if something fell, for instance. Now to semi full sentences “Toy fell on a ground!”

    Baby A hasn’t cared about mistakes. She uses what she has to communicate, and as she hears corrected full sentences in response to her broken ones she’s been adding more words and becoming more comprehensible.

    Baby B however, for pretty much the ENTIRE toddler babble stage had a lot of mouth pain from cutting teeth. She stopped talking entirely. IN FACT she stopped making noise entirely. No babble. No screams. No goos and coos. Just utter silence for a year, a year and a half, thereabouts. Since turning 3 she’s juuuuust started making noise again and is only using a small handful of poorly enounced words. “bah!” instead of “bug!” “bah-bah” instead of “bye bye” “Hah!” instead of “Hi!” etc. But mostly screams and gestures. She’s more-or-less having a late babble stage.

    Speaking is a skill all its own, that won’t develop unless it’s exercised.

    Talk to yourself. Record yourself telling stories, watch the recording, correct, record again, rinse repeat. Parrot. Etc.

  4. Try journaling in Japanese! Whenever I want to write in my journal about how I’m doing in my Japanese study I try my best to write a few paragraphs in Japanese using grammar points or vocabulary I’ve learned recently.

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