I got a ticket after 10 months

I just got a ticket for turning on a straight only crossroad , I got my last ticket last year of april
and does the points from the violation last year will be gone with the points I got today ? (which will be gone by next year) or the violation points from last year will be gone by this year’s april
I’m sorry for confusing ya’ll
thank you for answering my question 😄

  1. In Japan, traffic violations are assigned points based on the severity of the offense. These points can accumulate over time and can result in penalties such as license suspension or revocation.

    The length of time that points stay on your driving record varies depending on the type of violation. Generally, minor offenses are removed from your record after one year, while more serious offenses can remain on your record for up to five years.

    Based on your comment, it sounds like you received two traffic violations within the past year. The points from your first violation should be removed from your driving record after one year, but the points from your more recent violation may remain on your record for up to five years.

    It’s always best to check with your local driving authority to confirm the specific rules and regulations regarding traffic violations and points in your area. They can provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

  2. That’s a two point ticket. I know because I got one myself for making a similar turn in a residential area.

    You didn’t have a clean record, so the points will add together. You need 12 mo clean to get the points erased.

  3. You can read about it [directly from the cops](https://www.police.pref.kanagawa.jp/eng/e_pic/eng83007.pdf), in pretty decent English.

    Generally speaking, points fall off after 3 years. However if you have no offenses for 1 year, they are forgiven and removed. There are a few other instances that are explained in the PDF I linked to above.

    So your points from last year will be added together with your points from this year. If you get to 6 points, you lose your license for 30 days. You mention that you got your “last ticket” last year. How many do you have? You may be getting very close to a suspension.

  4. I’ve seen people gun thru obvious red lights with cops right there and nothing happened to them. Getting a ticket for an illegal turn and having that be your second in a year is honestly impressively unlucky.

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