Japan plans to buy up to 500 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the United States in fiscal 2023, rather than over several years

Japan plans to buy up to 500 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the United States in fiscal 2023, rather than over several years


  1. Excerpt from the linked content:^1

    >TOKYO – Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada said Tuesday Japan plans to buy all the Tomahawk cruise missiles it is seeking from the United States in one go in fiscal 2023 rather than over several years as initially planned.

    >Hamada, speaking at a press conference, did not give a reason for the change of plan or say how many of the U.S.-developed long-range missiles the government would buy, saying only that it is eyeing procuring “all of the required quantity” in the year starting April.

    >The source said earlier that Tokyo is also eyeing consultation with Washington to explore the possibility of moving forward the start of the cruise missiles’ domestic deployment from the currently scheduled fiscal 2026.

    >Tomahawks are known for their use in the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003 Iraq War.

    ^1 *Japan to buy Tomahawks in one go from U.S. in FY 2023*, Kyodo, 14 Feb. 2023 15:13 JST, https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2023/02/2685f8bc6076-japan-to-buy-us-tomahawk-missiles-in-bulk-in-fy-2023.html

  2. Good. Let’s buy 500 more over the coming years to make up for it. Beijing should know that it will be turned into a crater the moment PLA sets foot on the U.S. friends’ soil. Taiwan should buy some too.

    We all already done goofed enough to let Russians turn Ukraine into a fucking WW2 setting.

  3. Very Japanese government, plan to spent X, oops actually we meant 10X. “説明不足、we will do better explanation next time!”.

  4. It turns out that you actual need a fuckton of ordinance to defend your country when shit hits the fan.

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