How are the callers or also people receiving the calls in customer service and telemarketing call centers in Japan vs the U.S?

I’ve worked both at sales related and customer service call centers in the U.S and I did get many nice contacts, but I did get many “Karens” and “Kevins,” just a combination of mean, nasty, rude, and entitled people. Would I get yelled at more at Japanese or American call centers? Also, any difference in treatment for foreigners in Japan than the natives?

  1. People got shitty when you cold called trying to sell them stuff? What is this world coming to

  2. Most Japanese people will wait for you to finish your sentence, then say “Kekkoudesu (We don’t need it)” or “Kyoumi naidesu (We’re not interested)”. At that point most sales people will say thank you for your time and hang up but if you keep talking you’ll get one more of the phrases above and be hung up on

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