Could someone proofread my short text?

I’ve written a short text about my school trip to Poland and was wondering if there are any mistakes or something that should be phrased differently.


  1. Try this subreddit: [](

    a native person will proofread your passage. They get back to you really quickly too.

    if you don’t mind opinions from a non-native fellow learner, here’s how I would have rewritten it.


  2. Four things feel wrong enough to hinder communication. I’m not good enough to confidently give corrections.

    > 三日にいて

    = “were there on the third” (day of the month)

    > 四角

    = geometric figure with four equal sides

    > たくさん美味しい

    たくさん feels like an adverb (which is substandard, but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard it). Add の for the adjective meaning.

    > 私はクラクフの旅行を勧めます。

    This is weird enough that I have to guess what you mean. 進める is a bit picky about what it takes as an object. You can certainly say ことを進める or ように進める and there’s also 椅子を進める (to offer a seat). A monolingual dictionary helps

    > (一)「…した方がいい。 …すると良い事が有る」と相手に積極的に言う。

    The “I would suggest/propose” meaning follows things that could take する。

    > (二)お△上がり(使い)くださいと言って、客の前に出す。

    Or it has a “please use/enjoy” meaning with other objects.

    Also you often see おすすめ instead – probably because 勧める is a bit too direct for the kinds of polite usage it would otherwise have.

  3. 高校生の頃、クラスでポーランドのクラクフに行きました。**三日間**いて、楽しかったです。クラクフの**中央広場(orセントラルスクエア)**に行きました。賑やかでした。たくさん美味しいレストランがありました。伝統的な衣装で踊っている人達もいました。私はクラクフの旅行を勧めます。


    Did you go to Central Square all three days?

    if not, セントラルスクエアにも行きました

    Did you actually eat and enjoy foods or did you think it looks good?

    if not eat, たくさんの美味しそうなレストランがありました

    idiomatic word link : 伝統 – 衣装. 伝統的な服 : Not wrong at all.

    Why were they dancing in traditional costumes? I’m interested.

    More ordinary : ~~私は~~クラクフへの旅行はお勧めですよ。

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