Study more? Or let Anki decide?

I’m really uncertain about this at the moment, I don’t know which will help more long term. Will I remember the vocabulary more if I limit myself to the amount Anki gives me per day? Or do I study as much as my brain let’s me? Will I just forget more if I study more? I know you guys can’t really answer this for me as everyone’s memory retention level is different, and personally my memory is pretty awful.

But I have allot of free time on my hands at the moment, so I’d like to learn as much as possible. But if less is more, I’ll just settle for that. So I’d appreciate any advice on this from the studying vets (Also I’m beginner level, just got done learning my kana. )

  1. My advice would be to set your Anki at a lower to medium level, and spend the rest of the time reinforcing that knowledge or learning vocabulary in context.

    Maybe spend ~50% of your time on Anki, and the rest on reading or browsing native text, listening, and grammar study.

  2. you won’t forget more if you study more, studying is good for you

    unless you break yourself with too much stress

    BUT, you shouldn’t just 100% do anki, study other stuff like grammar, listening, read something, etc

  3. Some recommended retention values I’ve read on this sub are: If your retention is over 90%, study more. If your retention is lower than 80%, study less. These rules come from the fact that your retention will be inversely proportional to amount of new cards you study. And the mathematical fact is that 10 cards at 90% retention is 9 retained, and 20 cards at 80% is 16 retained. However if your retention is lower than 80% and you keep pushing for more and more cards, you may eventually be swamped with leechers and that can be very disheartening. Then you should spend your time in learning the new words properly and possibly reviewing failed cards more often with custom review.

    Take this and any other advice with a grain of salt. See what works for you and please make sure you don’t burnout. Anki is effective for learning words but it is also quite boring. And learning japanese is a marathon, not a sprint.

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