Moving to Japan in March, did anyone else get placed with Interac North?

I was hoping to make some ALT friends before arrival next year to build a stronger sense of community. If anyone is leaving for/already residing in Japan and looking for a friend hit me up 🙂 Who knows maybe we could all make a great friend group!

(Im a 22 year old female, I love art, literature, cats, cooking/baking, academia fashion, and travel. I’m fluent in French and still working on my Japanese. I also love video games, and I currently work from home to teach anime/manga art classes to kids.)

  1. Where are you heading? I used to work in the North as well. Let me know if you have any questions.

  2. I used to work for interac. I’m in Nagoya. I’m into literature/bettering myself career wise/living healthy/any animal/video games. We can meet virtually if the journey is too far!

    I was really (EXTREMELY) lonely when I first moved over here 7 years ago. I almost left after 3 months because of it. Then I decided the experience is what you make it and started being more social and saying “yes” to pretty much everything. I would have loved a friend to reach out to when I was like that, so now that I’m thriving I’d love to help out any fellow foreigners who need a friend

  3. Someone who interviewed with ECC with me is going with Interac in the Sapporo area. We have a group chat

  4. Interac North as in Morioka Office? If so I used to work for them from 2018 to 2020. There is a FB group for Iwate that you can join.

  5. I’m old (30s) but I have previously lived in Japan for 10+ years and I’m hopefully going back sometime between January-March. Would love to be friends if you want! I also love cats and art ^_^ I’ll be in the Osaka area

  6. Yeah, I’m placed with Interac North and set to go in March as well; just wish they’d give more details so I could know the whereabouts better. If I remember to, I can message you in March so we can compare locations or something! 🙂

  7. Interac Kanto here, been an ALT for 14 years now. On my first few years i was very outgoing, i said yes to any offer teachers gave me, jogging, mochi making, fishing, golf, cycling and even horse riding. Didn’t matter if they were young or old, i just said yeah lets go do it. I had no interest in doing it but for the sake of socialising i said yes. And although i didn’t enjoy it at first, those memories have stuck with me even til now. I still keep in contact with those teachers and we occasionally go out for drinks.

  8. Do you know what area? “North” is real big.

    What I would say is don’t be afraid to hang out with non-interac people too.

    There’s Peppy Kids Club (iTTTi Japan) teachers, JET, etc.

  9. I’m also supposed to head over with Kanto North in March. Where are you. Coming from?

    I’m 24, male, really into hiking and camping. Also into literature, but been reading more history books lately. Been training BJJ for a year and half and really wanna keep training in Japan. Working a remote finance job now, but three years of it has left me wanting something different. If you wanna talk before we meet in March feel free to hit me up.

    I’ll add that after a couple years of waiting I’m really eager for details from the company 😂

  10. Interested in academia? Can you elaborate on this? I’m working in Japan for two years as I prepare to start my PhD (got here in august). But I’m not in the north, more like the middle of the country.

  11. I’m no where near the north but if anyone ever finds their way to Okayama feel free to send me a message! I’m pretty lonely out here even though I’m married. I need some friends to go hang with from time to time. 😅

  12. Hi ya!!! I’m 25 yo F! I’m moving to Japan too coming March!! I’m an artist and a fashion designer!! I’d like to make some ALT friends as well!!

  13. Sam still the manager there? Overall cool dude. Behemoth in size (height-wise).

    DM me when you know exactly where you are. I’ve lived in various spots in southern Tohoku.

  14. Heya! I’m a 26 yr old male ALT in Northern Japan. I love Japanese music and manga. Hit me up one you get here!

  15. I’m headed over in March too for Kanto North! And a fellow cat lover here. :> Definitely hoping to make ALT as well as Japanese friends over there!

  16. Do you have a website for your artwork? I applied to Interac and pass the application stage. The phone interview is next. I’m also an artist and animator too.

  17. Hi! I’m going over in the same cohort, but for Kanto North. Depending on where I’m put, I’m totally down for joining a friend group!

    I’m also working like crazy on the Japanese; I want to be as high a level as possible when I arrive. Keep it up!

  18. I’m starting in March with Interac North too! Lmk if you ever want to chat! I’m a 24yo female ☺️

  19. I taught with Interac North for about 8 months as a sub. Honestly from what I experienced if you’re going to work with Interac, North is where you want to be. They were super casual about everything from dress code to interacting with school faculty as well as facilitating emergency support such as when my car battery died and I needed to go to a garage. I’m a country oriented person so I loved it, and I hope you love your time there too!

  20. From my personal experience being in Tozen Union, do not join. It is a waste of time/money and if you have a problem they will just tell you to go to the labor office/HelloWork anyway. They will expect you to drop what you are doing and join their demonstrations and consistently tell you to recruit new members. They say they are democratic but the top executives never change and they will kite you along with promises of action to keep you paying dues. It is basically a huge scheme to keep their executives paid and not working real jobs.

  21. Yes, I am with the Koushinetsu branch based on an email I got tonight. What about you?

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