Moving to Japan without a degree IT Engineer

As a preface, I’ve read the Wiki, I’m aware of the visa requirements being set to 10 years work experience or a bachelors degree, I’m looking for a little more specific advice on my situation and to get a reality check from this subreddit.

I’m from Germany where our vocational school system allows you to go through a 3 year program that trains you for certain jobs. Unfortunately my younger self was convinced he wouldn’t ever need a degree and you can make good money without one, therefore I’m currently ineligible to study at German universities. I could start a university degree at the end of this year with 3 years work experience in IT. I would have to get my degree while working full-time since it’s not really feasible for me to go back to full-time studying and quit my job.

My Japanese is currently about N3 level, I’m planning on passing the JLPT N1 sometime next year, I’m studying 3+ hours every day, on weekends 6-8 hours a day.

I’ve read up on Engineering visas and saw that it’s possible to waive the 10 year or bachelors degree requirement by passing one of the recognized exams.

So I have a couple questions that I’m hoping some of you will be able to answer:

1. Does my 3 year vocational training count towards the 10 years? I did work full-time during that 3 year program and I have a written letter from the company confirming I’ve been with them for 3 years.
2. Any experience on ITPEC being worth it or able to waive the requirements?

I’m just trying to think about what the best course of action is, a degree wouldn’t help me that much in my home country since I’m already working in a relatively high skill specialized field. If the 3 years of my training count towards the 10 years, I would end up with 10 years experience by the end of my bachelors degree anyways.

If the ITPEC exam is a possible way towards an Engineering visa then that would be by far the easiest option

  1. >I’m aware of the visa requirements being set to 10 years work experience or a bachelors degree,

    My three year diploma from a college in Canada was sufficient to change to an engineer status of residence at the end of my working holiday.

  2. Wow that is a lot of hours, you could build a business or have a 2nd job to earn more money with that number. Kudos. I an impressed by some people’s dedication just to move to Japan.

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