Today is Valentine’s Day! Are you guys doing anything special?

I just realized Valentine’s Day is today. Have you guys made any special plans?
I’m not even meeting with my girlfriend since I didn’t plan anything, I guess I’ll just be alone at home like a loser. Feel free to recomment a movie.

  1. Nothing Valentine’s Day related. Wife and I exchanged gifts on Sunday.

    Soooo, I’ll be spending time coaching the local kiddos how to ski tonight.

  2. My daughter made a bunch of chocolate brownies for her classmates, and I was allowed one.

  3. Nice dinner and drinks. Don’t really care about the whole Valentine’s Day thing but it happens to fall on my wife’s birthday anyway.

  4. Sitting at my kitchen table working then I assume my daughter will buy me some chocolate because she’s sweet like that and knows I loves me some chocolate.

  5. Taking my one and only trusted bike for a night ride along a flask of hot tea and some chocolate biscuits.

    happy valentine to you all

  6. My lunch date with my wife (that I took the morning off for) turned into taking a sick kid to the doctor and getting paperwork together for visa renewal. But I hear there’ll be Black Thunder later.

  7. Went to work, did a little Valentine’s Day party for English club (they loved it), and now I wait at home for my husband until he gets off of work. We’re gonna watch the latest episodes of Love Is Blind on Netflix.

  8. ‘I’m not even meeting with my girlfriend since I didn’t plan anything’

    yeah that means she’s giving her choco’s to another guy. It’s alright though, you did call yourself a loser.

  9. 1. Women in the office give me chocolate
    2. I give said chocolate to the wife
    3. I spend 10,000 buying chocolate for women in the office a month later

  10. I hate to break it to y’all losers. Valentine’s day is more woman to man versus white day guy romances girl. If your girlfriend didn’t plan something for the two of you it isn’t a good sign. Assuming she is Japanese.

  11. Just buying chocolates for the three ladies of the house. The two young one are rumored to be making homemade chocolates for me in return.

  12. My son has been here for a visit, and this morning I finished sewing up a wrap skirt I made from a beautiful old salvaged kimono. All kinds of pretty pinks and reds on it, with some rose embroidered all around – just perfect for Valentine’s Day! Once I had it finished up, we went for a walk to Osaka Castle Park to see the plum blossoms and try the STBX Valentine’s Day chocolate almond milk latte special thing. The blossoms are pretty so far, but not quite all opened up yet. The STBX…was about as bland as I expected it might be, but it was still nice to sit there in the sunny window with my son and have a nice chat before he goes back to work. I think tonight I’ll just curl up on the sofa for some Disgaea 7 until bed time. It’s been a nice day. I hope you’ve all enjoyed yours!

  13. I’m making chocolate mousse, but they’d run out of proper fresh cream so I’m using some fake stuff with vegetable oil in it

    Film recommendation: My Dinner With Andre
    Reason: None

  14. Well it’s a Tuesday. Therefore it’s leg day. I just hit two PBs. I love myself…..and my wife and kid.

  15. I worked out, had dinner and catching up on games. doing nice things for myself. been single a long ass while and I’m sure it will continue

  16. I’ve rented an apartment for a couple of months of snowboarding and was sitting in the lobby catching up on emails when a random obāchan came up and gave me a tray of mince and cheese croquettes. Best valentines gift ever!

  17. Made what I thought would be a nice little vanilla cupcake surprise for my hubby. Misread the instructions of 1 and 1/2 tablespoon milk to 11 and 1/2 tablespoon milk. I stopped at 6 tablespoons but it was still a disaster. I truly felt like a contestant on nailed it haha!

    But my husband was a trooper and he ate it! And said it was good!

    Felt more like a flan than a cake hahaha.

  18. Thinking of what I could have been doing with my now-ex

    On a brighter note, it does feel less painful now.

  19. The old lady working at Lawson that I visit everyday to buy my coffee S size gave me a small chocolate. Nice little detail.

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