My company reject to give proof of working, what is my right?

I am not native in English. I am sorry if the sentences I write here are hard to understand.

I am applying for a scholarship to a foreign University (not Japan University and not my home country’s university). It needs proof of working using its format. I sent the format to HR, and HR said they couldn’t give it because I would quit the company if I got the scholarship. In my opinion, It is my right to obtain proof of working from my company, although it uses the English format. Am I wrong about this? They said they could give proof of working in Japanese format only. I tried to call Japan’s human rights consultation number, but it was hard to connect with them.

  1. > They said they could give proof of working in Japanese format only

    I only know about US Univ, so ignore if you are applying to univ in some other country.

    Take the Japanese format proof of working, do a translation, attach both to the university provided form, write on the form “see attached” and send everything. Done.

    > In my opinion, It is my right to obtain proof of working from my company, although it uses the English format.

    Your opinion is wrong, you have right to proof, you just don’t have right to proof in the language and format you want.

  2. Ask for the japanese copy and just pay for a professional translator to translate the file.

  3. I see OP has gotten a few solutions above but let me just say…a Japanese company refusing to give you proof because they don’t want you to get a scholarship. Some of the conditions here are diabolical

  4. Slightly off topic: do you need to request a proof of working when you leave a Japanese company so you have a certificate that your CV is correct? I’m leaving my company in a few weeks and never thought about that until this post.

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