Can someone proofread my Valentines letter?

There are some inside jokes in it and I’ve been incredibly worried that I’m going to make a basic mistake so any help is appreciated. Thank you.

「 数か月前に出会ったばかりだったことが信じられないけど、私たちはどちらも不運な人間だけど、故障した車で寒い中に立ち往生するような不運な瞬間が私たちをより近づけた。それ以来、私たちが共有したすべての瞬間に、私は本当に感謝している。







As for context, I wrote it down in english beforehand to try and translate it in a casual way.

「It’s hard to believe that just a few months ago, we were strangers, but somehow even though we’re both unlucky people, those unlucky moments like being stranded in the cold with a dead car managed to bring us closer together and I’m so incredibly grateful for every moment we’ve shared since then.

Since we first met, my feelings for you have grown stronger every day. You are unique, kind, and understanding, and I cherish every moment we spend together. Your worrysome mind, your infectious laughter, and your unwavering kindness have all left a lasting impression on my heart. I can honestly say that I’ve never met anyone quite like you, and I know that I never will again.

Although we will be apart soon as you return to Japan, please know that distance cannot diminish the feelings I have for you. You have become an important part of my life, and even though you might think of me as forgetful, I will always hold the memories we’ve created close to my heart.

Happy Valentine’s Day. Don’t die before me. I truly love you and hope to make many more memories with you in the future.」

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