Is the realkana app broken for you?

In the past, I made use of the []( app to practice when learning hiragana and katakana. Overall, I found it to be a very useful app. However, I noticed that a bug has appeared since I first used it and was wondering if this was specific to me or if it is an issue for everyone.

**I’d appreciate it if others could confirm that they see the same issue and in what browser** (I don’t use the app on a phone – I think it’s only available for the iPhone).

Specifically, I use the app in a desktop browser. I use the latest Firefox browser (109.01) on a Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) desktop. The bug can be reproduced as follows…

1. Start a new instance of the browser and navigate to []( \[*Note – has to be a browser instance that hasn’t successfully run the realkana app since the browser was started. Make sure no other browser windows are running*\].
2. Select the ‘Study’ tab. \[*at this point I always see the hiragana あ character*\].
3. Type ‘a’ on the keyboard (or the appropriate romaji if you see a different hiragana character). \[*’a’ should be the correct answer, but I see a red ‘x’ appear indicating that I got the wrong answer*\].
4. Press the space bar to see the ‘accepted answer’. \[*Note – this ‘accepted answer’ does not match the hiragana character*\].
5. Delete the initial ‘a’ and enter the ‘accepted answer’. \[*This should cause a new hiragana character to be displayed, but for me, I still see あ*\].
6. Cycle repeats from point 3 above.

If I click on another tab in the app, and then back to the ‘Study’ tab again, then everything starts working normally and the hiragana matches the correct romaji.

**Edit: Using the steps above, the app cycles through ‘a’,’i’,’u’,’e’, and ‘o’ – occasionally the ‘accepted answer’ is ‘a’ and so matches the displayed hiragana – so if it works first time for you, please try another cycle.**


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