Finally, a train station toilet that is private.

Congratulations to Komozawa Daigaku station. Yesterday I walked into the men’s room and was shocked to walk into a stall that was 100% enclosed, floor to ceiling, back to front. Very nice, fully automatic toilet, nice fixtures. It was a joy. I can only hope other stations that are planning renovations go and take a look at Komozawa Daigaku and follow their example. Good Job guys! Thank you.

  1. …?

    Did I miss a circlejerk or something…? Are you hanging out in the Shibuya toilets for too long or what?

  2. Are they not mostly like this? Am I just misremembering? Are men’s restroom stalls that different from women’s ones?! Most major stations I’ve been to have closed in stalls without the gaps.

  3. Komazawa Daigaku toilet is nice- I’d say most stations that serve as many people as Komazawa- maybe somewhere like Futakotamagawa or Nerima (just a couple I have been to) are outfitted like this. I suspect the reason they do not update/renovate the toilets too much in extremely busy stations like Shinjuku or Shibuya is because they don’t actually want people to be incentivized to use them- they’re just there because they have to be. Train companies would much prefer you use the restrooms in surrounding shopping centers than line up for a nice bathroom in a train station where people are trying to get from point A to B.

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