Problems with name in Katakana

Is it ok to give myself a name in kanji as my first and second name don’t really translate into katakana well. Or maybe I should just make a new name in katakana. I’ve often had trouble when introducing myself.

  1. Every name is katakana-able no matter the language or how weird it sounds, and that’s normally what is done when you use your foreign name in Japan.

    Katakana is just a way to transcribe your name, so using a kanji or make up a new name, I feel, is kinda like choosing a pen name or artist’s name. Though I guess theoretically you could do that.

    If you put your name in katakana it’s important to note that depending on the language your name is from it may get transcribed differently, because it depends on the pronunciation rather than the spelling of your name.

    For example the French article “Le” is usually transcribed as “ru” in Japanese, while if we were going off from the english pronunciation it would be something like “rei” in katakana.

  2. If you’re writing, you can just write your name in katakana.



    Catherine= カトリーヌ or キャサリン

    If youre speaking, just pronounce it as if you were reading kana

    Natives who only speak Japanese will have an easier time understanding if you pronounce it with Japanese entonation.

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