Moved to Japan and looking to find similar clothing stores to Uniqlo, GU, muji in similar price ranges?

As the title says, just want to know if anyone can recommend any other stores that have simple clean aesthetics that won’t break my bank. Thank you!

  1. The Aeon store has good collection in the same range as uniqlo. I still can’t help but ask, you need more choice or you don’t want uniqlo or GU for some reason?

  2. I think for girls there’s a Honey’s which has a lot of standard Japanese garments but I’ve never used it.

    So Uniqlo and GU are both owned by Fast Retailing and Uniqlo is more expensive and has better quality/designs than GU.

    I would say H&M has Uniqlo quality designs but some items have a GU quality.

    Zara has nice clothes but a bit expensive while the quality I feel is similar to that of H&M or Uniqlo. It’s good if you can get some discounted items.

    Bershka also is similar to Zara and H&M but with a lower quality/price I think.

    Wego has a young fashion vibe and it’s also cheap. Pretty good if you wanna try a little bit of stuff that’s outside the plain Uniqlo range.

    There’s also Global Works which is kinda like a mix between Uniqlo’s Japanese style with Zara. A little bit expensive but their items seem good.

    Other than these my suggestions would be to go an outlet store and try to find deals in specific stores. Like Levi’s and Edwin for jeans, if you want to splurge on money for a Polo shirt go hit Ralph Laurent and of course you can always buy stuff online with Shein.

    Edit: so for basic styles like Uniqlo try Wego, Global Works, Bershka, although these might be more expensive.

  3. Second hand stores, like 2nd Street.

    You’ll get better quality stuff without directly adding to the fast-fashion monster pile.

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