My wife is mad.

She is always telling me I spend too much money.

She is always telling me to pick up the apartment.

Tonight, they joined forces; my kid left a carpet colored lego on the floor, and when I stepped on it, I released the remote control right into the tv.

Now I have to spend money on replacing the tv/screen.

Is there any advice on where I can get it repaired on the cheap ? It is a Sony XRJ-55X90J bought from Yodobashi less than a year ago, but I am fine taking it anywhere cheap, as typically this isn’t under warranty anyways.

Edit: Some of y’all have never stepped on a Lego or other small object while barefoot and it shows. I was trying to prevent myself from falling (autonomous reaction when I lose my balance), and my hand opened while swinging. This released the remote into the tv, unfortunately.

  1. hmm sounds like a totally healthy relationship and healthy environment for your child ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)

  2. You released in anger or somehow you fell like looney tunes?

    For repairs you first should ask Sony if they can and how much. The screen likely the priciest part. I doubt you can find place to fix it cheap.

  3. Do you have disaster insurance (you should)?

    Call them, make a claim, get a fixed TV for price of the deductible (usually 3000-5000 yen)

    They will ask you to call Sony, get a quote, and then you can either get the TV fixed or a new TV with the money. Takes about 1-2 weeks total.

  4. Why don’t you try taking it back to where you got it?
    Maybe it’s still under warranty, or they can repair it for a decent price.

  5. the best thing is to replace it.
    about the tv, I think that you should check the receipt from yosobashi first, just to make sure that ir was not included.

  6. Do you spend too much money? Self reflection and active steps might help her be less mad at you.

  7. Do you spend too much money? Self reflection and active steps might help her be less mad at you.

  8. Is the screen cracked inside? I heard 火災保険 can be applied in this case. But otherwise the company (Sony or Yodobashi) probably won’t replace it for you if it was your fault, unfortunately.

    At least that was the case for me when my 2yo decided to hit the tv screen with a spoon.. the tv costed me like 10万円 and fixing it was 6万円 so it was better to get a new one in our case because tv was at least 5 years old.

  9. A slob with no financial restraint who has ~~anger~~ remote holding issues? You should be more worried about the guy at HUB your wife is shopping around to replace you with than watching TV

  10. Some months ago I threw mobile to tv by mistake and screen broke. Insurance covered new TV with small fee. We told insurance company that when we did vacuum we hit it by mistake. Around 1.5 weeks later we got new TV.

  11. Well she is right , no point spending money on TV …just dump it and tell them both to play Lego outside

  12. Ah yes, the classic “joke, not a dick” and. J-life taking it too hard.

    And then the classic gaslight of “This is your fault I read this wrong.”

    Christ. Just own being an idiot and jumping to conclusions.

    It got a laugh out of me. Lego found the strategic “no bones” button. Good luck with the TV. I wouldn’t think it could be fixed, so shows what I know.

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