An extra day: Sapporo vs. Sendai


I am taking a 42 day trip throughout Japan starting in the beginning of April. I have the trip planned out in pretty set chunks based on my travel companions. For the first chunk I will be spending the majority of the time between Sapporo (3 days/2 nights) and Sendai (4 days/3 nights). Long story short my 2nd leg of the trip will be starting later than I expected and I’ll have an extra day. Which city would put that extra day to better use? Sapporo or Sendai?

I have day trips from both planned already (Furano/Biei/possibly Noborietsu) from Sapporo and Morioka/Matsushima/Yamagata from Sendai). If there’s a must see place from either location that I should check out from either place with my extra day that would be great too.

Thanks in advance!!

P.S: I’ll be Hokkaido the first week of April essentially, is it worth going to Furano/Biei/all these places as it will be post winter but not yet blooming season yet?

  1. Hi!

    The first week of April can still be in Winter in some places in Japan. It’s not necessarily in Furano or Biei, it’s just something to be aware of. Just to throw this out there, Kitanomine will be closed but some of the Furano ski resort is open until May!

    And since this is the early April, I would add onto Sendai, since the weather is better as you go south. You could visit Hiraizaumi on that extra day

  2. If you’re cool with rolling hills of dirt and some leftover snow then you may still enjoy Biei and Furano. Everything still looks like it’s winter really. I’d say it isn’t till May when you start seeing trees turning green again.

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