Hi everyone. Ive been living in Japan for 12 years. Throughout this time I’ve become an avid hiker and camper. Im currently working to create solutions to make nature/ outdoor activities more easily accessible for foreign travelers in Japan

If you have done any outdoor activity in Japan (hiking, camping, backpacking, etc), I would like to know what problems, if any, you encountered during the activity or in the process of looking for the activity. I have created a simple multiple choice questionnaire. It will take no longer than 2 minutes to complete and requires no personal info.

Thank you for your time!



  1. Unfortunately the more accessible you make these places of nature, the worse they become. I have a lovely hiking route I take, and the best thing about it is the lack of people/trash. That’s why I don’t tell anyone where it is.

    Not quite, but close to the Tragedy of the commons.

  2. American who camps here. Moving to Japan soon. Im worried about how Im supposed to protect my family from wildlife,bears boars monkeys wild dogs etc.

    Also in the wild you need to watch out for other humans who can be even more of a threat

    Here in america I have a rifle at camp and a side arm on my hip when hiking or wandering around camp doing chores.

    And Im not satisfied with bear spray if anyone was going to say

  3. I’m interested in doing those activities, can you let me know where can i find the guide or solution you make?

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