【All lessons are free】Kanji can be read on-yomi, kun-yomi, and other readings. It’s very confusing, isn’t it? So I’m trying to make it easier to understand by introducing on-yomi idioms, kun-yomi idioms, and other idioms. Please tell me your opinion if you want.

*Posted with Mod approval* thank you u/LordQuorad san  

Hi ✨I’m a Japanese Teaching Vtuber and I would like to study with you.

I stream on ✨[Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/cafealisa) and ✨[YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/cafealisa)✨

【Video Lessons & Live Lessons】

Kanji can be read on-yomi, kun-yomi, and other readings.

Even though it is the same kanji, the reading changes depending on the phrase. It can be difficult to remember which one is the correct to use.

As a way to help learners I’ve started making videos for a kanji for the on-yomi, kun-yomi and also hold a live class where we go over them. The current kanji is “月(moon/month)”.

In class, we practice how to write phrases, explain their meanings, etc., and check them with quizzes at the end.

If you like, I would be happy if you could take a look at it for reference and give me your opinion.


\*please note I’m a Vtuber. Please be careful if you do not like anime characters.

【EN/日本語】Kanji Idiom of 月 ☀On-yomi \[ゲツ\] 月末 月曜日 月面 月刊 \[ガツ\] 正月 四月 七月 九月 [Video Lesson](https://youtu.be/rufgHJ4-Chk)・[short video](https://youtube.com/shorts/v1avST-zLSM)・[Live lesson stream](https://youtube.com/live/BHIquSZm_Zc)

【EN/日本語】Kanji Idiom of 月 Kun-yomi \[つき\] 月見 三日月 月並 \[Jukujikun (熟字訓)\] 五月雨 海月 如月 [Video Lesson](https://youtu.be/XE5SFU_uZGI)・[short video](https://youtube.com/shorts/omWrq8P-dRs)・[Live lesson stream](https://youtube.com/live/xkPAVVFaBIs)

There is a Kanji lesson in the same series. These are “日(day)” topics.

Onyomi\[ニチ\] 毎日 日曜日 日本 日光 \[ジツ\] 平日 休日  Kun-yomi \[ひ\] 日陰 日帰り 朝日 日々\[か\] 三日 九日  Special reading (jukuji-kun) 特殊な読み方(熟字訓)昨日(きのう・サクジツ)、一昨日(おととい・イッサクジツ) 今日(きょう・コンニチ)、明日(あした・あす・ミョウニチ)

Here is a (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-Tjxr2BiWXmpyMkdIxo_CNP2i) for these lessons.


I am a Japanese apprentice teacher. I have planned out various ways to teach kanji.

I have videos where I have taught beginner kanji as well as others that are related. I also have videos based off of Wani-kani where I have made lessons based off of the kanji and vocab from the starting levels.

In addition to kanji, I also offer practical Japanese courses.

Currently I am now making videos based on helping to memorize phrases around a topic such as various points in travel.(https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-Tjzfhe5bY2wFo2RjKPN_cmEW)

On Twitch, I have a stream where I use games to practice beginner Japanese while playing games. 

[Japanese Lesson with RPG games](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-TjyiAXO0JzH_p-Ynriu4ZfdO)

 If you want, let’s have fun studying together! thank you for reading.

  1. I’m happily surprised that I’ve already been following you on YouTube! I just started a new job recently so I haven’t had the time but I’ve been bookmarking your streams when I see them so I could go over them when I find time.


  2. こんにちわアリサさん!お元気?私はブルーポテトです!此処にまたお会いできて良かったです。ライブ配信に参加できないけど、ユーチューブの動画を見ています。恐らく9月には戻ってくる。

  3. Her lesson is easy to follow and there will also another people that will help you in the chat. Her Kanji lesson is really helpful as she will explain it whilst showing you how to write the kanji slowly so you can follow along. You can also ask her anything and she will try her best answering your question!

    Please do check her out! お願いします!

  4. I like the format and I like the idea of using idioms for the words. One thing I think that would be great would be like a section with interesting facts, like how ガツ is used for numbered months or special phrases like 正月 and ゲツ is used for almost every other compound where it’s not a specific month.

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