chicken sashimi

chicken sashimi

  1. This is something I’d try once…

    Isn’t this something somewhat modern though, and isn’t something traditionally eaten in Japan? I guess a similar thing applies to salmon sashimi.

  2. This one of the biggest causes of food poisoning in Japan.

    Campylobacter is common in chicken and even in the raw flesh. Earring chicken raw is not safe.

  3. I had it once at a Ryokan in Japan. Was it good? Yes. Would I eat it again? Probably not. Didn’t get sick though. Bacteria from chicken is definitely more likely in larger farms and processing plants.

  4. I had torisashi last week in Japan. You can get it at Ippudo in Berkeley. I prefer basashi (raw horse).

  5. I saw on bizarre foods or something a restaurant where the live chickens were on site and slaughtered on the day. In that case, maybe.

  6. I’m a chef and I’d like to think I’m an adventurous one at that. I haven’t been to Japan yet but I do know they serve raw chicken dishes and I would definitely try it at least once. I love some proteins served raw and done well but the flavor and texture of raw chicken does not appeal to my senses.

  7. My husband has eaten this but I refused. I’m not averse to eating raw meat at all but chicken is my limit.

  8. Been a while since I had this. I really like the chicken liver sashimi, that stuff is the bomb.

  9. Used to eat this quite a bit when I lived in Kagoshima. I’ve never heard of anyone getting sick. It’s ok with lots of garlic and soy sauce but maybe a bit chewy.
    It’s great to serve it when you have family visiting just to see the look on their faces 😁

  10. I’ve also had chicken sashimi. It wasn’t anything to write home about but I didn’t get sick either so that’s a win in my book.

  11. So I have had this, only once, at a very reputable chicken izakaya in Japan. Dude was particular to use French Blue Foot chickens, which are supposed to be pretty bacteria resistant, and used them in his dishes exclusively. The meat was very sweet and quite tender.

    Would I eat this anywhere else? Probably not, since it was quite well known locally how much work the chef put into the care and handling of his chickens, all of which was quite effective in reducing risk, and considering how popular the dish was, it was quite apparent he was good at it.

  12. This has been in my bucket list forever. And I finally got to try it last December in Kagoshima. It’s nothing really special though, the flavor and texture surprisingly wasn’t bad at all. Would I eat it again?
    Probably not .

  13. I ate a strip of raw chicken once, while helping in the kitchen, when I was like 11 and didn’t know it was bad. I liked rare steak so I thought, why not? It didn’t impress me. Tasted like a rubber band. Why is chicken sashimi a thing?

  14. They use specific breeds and farming methods to avoid salmonella and disease please people realise this before commenting.

  15. I don’t particularly like sashimi (fish) or chicken sashimi, but I found I like the chicken better. I would have thought this if I hadn’t tried it.

  16. Had this when I was in Tokyo years ago. My friends and I randomly wandered into [JAGAJAGA]( one night and we asked the locals sitting next to us what they would suggest us get and we were brought a plate of various chicken sashimi to our surprise. It was seared chicken breast, raw chicken, raw chicken heart, and raw chicken liver.
    As an American, I would *never* even consider such a dish in the states, no matter who served it. But in Japan I didn’t hesitate. It wasn’t half bad but likely not get it again unless I was doing it to encourage other foreigners to try it out. I just like seafood better.

    Also that bar was super chill and everyone in there was super kind to us weirdo gaijin. Would def go back.

    Edit: fixed link

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