What do the morning joggers actually do for their job, I wonder?

I was on my way to school this morning in my car, and noticed another morning jogger (he was decked out this time), and I wondered what his actual job is. Does he get up early to jog? (This was at 7:30am). Is he a salaryman? Does he work from home? Night job?

Anyone else have random thoughts about passerby, and wonder what they do to allow them to have free morning activities, or am I just weird, LOL.

  1. I used to jog from 7am 3 mornings a week, then shower and leave the house around 8 to go to work by 9.

    Now I mainly work from home and sleep until 8 and often go running when I have a break in the day.

  2. I WFH 50% of the time and when I have to go to the office, it is usually later in the day like 10am so I could run too if I weren’t too busy being fat.

  3. Lol we wondered the same thing. As for me, I also see a lot of couples who play with their child in the morning, together, and its already like more than 1 year (I know theres mama papa ikukyuu thing so maybe that but shudnt be longer than 1 year?) or those who walk their dogs every day in the morning at the same time.

    I have WFH and flex time that shud allow me to do something useful in the morning, and in the end I use the time to just snuggle and try to get out of futon lol

  4. > Does he get up early to jog?

    For people whose shift starts at 9, it’s not too difficult to jog at 7:30.

  5. I was on my way to get more booze and walked past a jogger.

    4:30 am.

    Ya I was wondering what the fuck this guy is doing.

  6. I jog every morning and I wfh 🙂 WFH settings made it much easier to take care of my health

  7. Before COVID I worked 10 am til 7pm, I would take my boxing lessons at 8am, shower then head to the office.

    Now that I’m WFH (IT) I have a ton of flex time,so I can go to my workouts whenever I want (within reason).

    Everyone is different, not everyone has the same schedule/restrictions.

  8. I work from home and my work doesn’t until 9 so I have about 2 hours if free time before work.

  9. Work from 10am to 6:30 but it’s been WFH since April 2020 so I started biking 1-2 hours most mornings. The willpower to get up and out before 7am has been waning lately due to the cold and moving to an area closer to the office but with less long and easy routes.

  10. When I wasn’t a fat POS, I ran at 6am every morning. Work started at 8:30. Granted I lived 5 minutes away.

  11. Used to jog around 7am myself (though if avoidable usually late night as I not a morning person). Most jobs start at 9am and with wfh or flex you have even more of a buffer to shower and get ready. Nowadays can’t jog but walking my dog every morning around the same time. Some days are tough but not like there is a choice (unless you want to spend 30min before work cleaning a mess and having a unwinded dog for the day)

  12. The amount of self discipline in these comments puts me to shame lol. I’m doing good to wake up 30 mins before I have to leave for work, let alone 2 hours before!

  13. I wake up at 5, jog for an hour sometime before leaving at 7 to get to work by 8. On my days where work starts at 9 I’m usually jogging between 7-8.

  14. Damn I miss the days when I used to wake up at 5am to jog before my 8am work but now I run to the station at 5am to catch the first train. 🙁

  15. I wfh 10-6:30
    Wake up around 7 . Go for jog for about an hour or so.. come back, take shower and press keyboard.

  16. Other industries have 24-hr coverage and other shift setups.

    I’ve worked 1800-0200, so I’d go running after I get home from work. I’ve worked 2300-0700, so I’ll go running after work during the hours you mentioned.

  17. I work from home full time so in theory I can do whenever, but in reality it’s too god damn cold outside, I never do it.

  18. I jog usually 8-9am as I try to get the jog on after kids get to school so the streets aren’t crowded (or as crowded as they can be in the inaka). I’m self employed and I jog early because I get pretty low energy in the evening

  19. I live near a big park with a decent running track. People are running there as early as 4:30 and as even near midnight. See ‘em pass my house on the way there (and occasionally I join the early birds at 5ish – easier in the summertime than now).

  20. Not everyone is on your schedule of life. Many people wake up early and have a routine before work and sleep early. Or they simply work in the afternoon, evening, or nights and the morning is their free time. Could also be retired, freelance, work from home. Who knows.

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