Are there any forward-thinking, modern, “bio-hacking” type clinical testing services?

In the US and Mexico there are a handful of really modern, forward thinking clinics where you can test to a very detailed level your bodily markers.

Levels like hormonal (testosterone, etc), vitamin deficiencies for you specifically, different diets that would be optimum for you specifically, etc. I cannot remember any specific names of these services/clinics in the US (but if anyone knows them please share).

I’m wondering are any of these clinics/services available in Japan? My two concerns are:

– Japan might not be such a forward-thinking market (yet) to have these services
– If they do have them, I wonder if their tests would be calibrated to actually provide accurate figures to non-Japanese

(e.g. I’m not too big at all, regular athletic guy but when I do body fat, or muscle tests, my muscle mass figures show absolute max on the levels; presumably because many JP have basically no muscle and the benchmarks are calibrated to JP bodies)

  1. >really modern, forward thinking clinics

    What you describe in other countries is mostly pseudoscience in practice and the clinics that sell this kind of wellness consultation are not practicing medicine.

  2. I’ve spoken to so many fat white guys that complain that

    “Japanese people just don’t understand how foreign bodies work!”

    Nah bro you’re just fat

  3. “I’m wondering are any of these clinics/services available in Japan?”

    I hope not. There’s enough pseudoscience already without importing more.

  4. The haters ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) calm your horses. I think what u/throwawaybanzai is talking about is preventive medicine which is very popular in the US and a few European countries. This is no pseudoscience, it’s practised by MDs. While reactive medicine treats symptoms, preventive medicine helps you identify imbalances that could potentially lead to something worse. And to answer this no, there are no such service, but you can create your own bill of health via tailor made tests at any health test center.

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