Improving Input After Genki II?

Hello! This spring I’m planning on finishing Genki II and before moving to Tobira next semester, I wanted to spend time focusing on improving on my input. My language studies till this point has been primarily output however now knowing that I got approved for a study abroad program I want to try to improve on hearing and reading comprehension as much as I can. I know I’m only going to be at N4 at best by the end of the textbook so there isn’t much I can understand yet but I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for shows, podcasts, books, etc… The only ones I’m currently aware of are the “Japanese with Shun”, “Tanaka Radio” podcasts and the “Comprehensible Japanese” short videos.

Even if it’s a children’s book I’d be more than happy to get your advice. Thankyou so much for all the help!

  1. For reading, see if you can get your hands on Graded Readers. There is the Satori Reader app, but I think it’s kinda limited. Every now and then, someone will post a link to the Tadoku Graded Readers, but I think their availability comes and goes.

    For listening, I strongly recommend Nihongo Con teppei podcasts.

  2. After Genki 2 I briefly continued with graded readers, but then quickly (maybe after 2 months) just started reading easy light novels with Yomichan and it worked out fine. In hindsight I don’t think that those 2 months with graded readers were necessary. IMO just start with a manga or easy light novel. You can find difficulty lists on []( and [](

  3. Check out しのせんせい on youtube:

    I really like her Japanese stories playlist:

    She has the stories labeled with JLPT level, though in my opinion, some of the N5 stories seem more like N4 level. Anyway, I really like her pronunciation and pacing on the N5 stories (slow enough to be able to make out all the words, but not so slow that it drags). She has the text on the screen, and she usually has a full transcript in the description, so you can look up words with yomichan.

  4. I mean, I haven’t even finished Genki II and I’m understanding nearly all of the grammar in a novel (probably a kid/young adult level novel?) . It’s the vocabulary that’s slowing me down. So you can probably pick up any input option you want, and then study a good Anki vocabulary deck with it to help improve vocabulary.

  5. For reading, besides the graded readers others have recommended I also enjoyed the LingoMastery Intermediate Japanese Short Stories, Intermediate Short Stories in Japanese by Olly Richards and the dondon yomeru Nihongo short stories.

    If you don’t mind looking vocabulary up, here’s where you can get [Japanese books with furigana on all kanji](

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