Mail forwarder recommendations/advice

I used to have a family member collect my mail back home and I’d just go through it every year when I visited. But the situation will change so I will need to find another way to manage it.

I tried using one of those forwarding services before for an item bought in the US to be forwarded to Japan. Unfortunately it failed because the retailer I bought from blocked their addresses so the order never went through. But I read that they do similar services for regular mail.

From what I understand they collect your mail in a private box, and when you want it all forwarded you can request it.

I was curious if anyone uses this for sensitive material like banking documents. I will need to get a new credit card through my home bank this year and I cannot trust anyone back home to forward it to me. Any recommendations? How is the pricing? Origin country is the US, east coast.

  1. I use Shipito, but I have never used it for sensitive documents. The service is good, they have chat support.

  2. > I will need to get a new credit card through my home bank this year and I cannot trust anyone back home to forward it to me.

    have you considered just asking your bank? pretty much all the ones I’ve ever dealt with would have absolutely no problem sending a new card internationally. if they ask a reason, assuming if they even do, you could just say you’re traveling or you’re on extended work assignment overseas or whatever… airmail from USA is like 5 bucks, takes a week or two.

  3. I was in the same situation and started using Traveling Mailbox. Their Basic plan is $15 a month. On the rare occasion I need something mailed here like a tax or bank document, shipping is always under $5. Has worked great for me the past few years.

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