A Solution to Japan’s Overwork: Sleep in an Upright ‘Nap Box’

A Solution to Japan’s Overwork: Sleep in an Upright ‘Nap Box’


  1. Wow. Spectacularly missing the point of the problem.

    This isn’t a solution to overwork, it’s helping to prop it up.

  2. That’s a terrible idea, maybe lying down pods because some days everybody could use a power nap, but standing up? That’s just retarded

  3. I work for a company in central Tokyo. We have a nap area off the break room…but it’s often occupied. This would actually be nice to have a few of! They take less space and could be spread out. Would love to hide from my office mates for just 10 minutes to decompress throughout the day.

  4. They get overtime pay. I don’t feel sorry for japanese people choosing to overwork.

    Yes, they have a choice. They’re not robots (contrary to popular belief).

  5. Excellent. When the poor sod selfishly karoshis on company time, just close the lid and get the Yamato Man to deliver the former employee to his family. Very eco.

  6. Solve the problem? But that doesn’t sound very profitable. We have to make sure we generate value for our shareholders.


  7. “Healthier office culture.” If your employees are so tired during overwork they need to take a nap, that ain’t healthy and this is not gonna fix any problems.

  8. I just turn the lights off in my office and sleep under my desk. The couch is visible from the hallway so no bueno.

  9. Or..and I can’t stress this enough..They could just have their employees work normal hours.

    I know, I know…radical idea.

  10. Instead of having a room with yoga mats let’s make a solitary confinement box

  11. Ah great. The Japanese noticed the problem of too much work and solved it perfectly!

  12. from the same company that gave you “the solution for your partner cheating on you: a blindfold, so you won’t see him cheat on you”

  13. A “solution” to overwork in the same way a handgun is a solution to suicidal depression.

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