Security footage shows shocking treatment of Sri Lankan who died in Nagoya detention cell

Security footage shows shocking treatment of Sri Lankan who died in Nagoya detention cell

  1. I remember when this news first came out, I saw comments (from Japanese people) saying that “she’s in the wrong the first place for violating the law” and I was just like 🤦‍♀️. Even if she did break some law, doesn’t mean she should be treated inhumanely?

    I hope the family gets some kind of justice.

  2. Such a pathetic and not even slightly surprising response from the officials who watched her die.

  3. That sound very horrible 🙁

    We were planning to visit Japan this year, canceled!


    “In August 2020, Wishma went to a police station in Shimizu, Shizuoka, to seek shelter from her boyfriend’s domestic violence, only to be sent to a detention facility run by the Nagoya Regional Immigration Services Bureau”

  4. Somebody has to admit that Japanese people have medieval attitudes at times. Humanism and renaissance never happened there, so no wonder.

  5. Indefinite pre-trial detention is inhumane already. Yet another broken Japanese system.

  6. The guards and managers involved need to be held accountable. They let a person die. “I was just following orders” should not be a viable defense.

  7. The bigger issue at the moment is prosecution! it is bad that the guards killed someone, but it is horrible that they are out free able to do the same thing again.

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