Can I crack JLPT N5 with a 4 month prep ?

So me and a friend are planning to write the exam. I know basic japanese, and have been learning Kanji and Japanese for a while. We plan to write it in July. Is it achievable and can I have a few tips ?

  1. I’m guessing English may be your second language?

    In English we say “take the exam” or “plan to take it in July”, not write.

  2. Yep easily. Just some numbers for you, you need to be able to read around 800 words for the n5 exam, that’s just over 6 words a day. I recommend just sticking with anki’s default 20 new words a day, you’ll finish the 800 in 40 days.

    It’s not exact but 4 months = 120 days, there are 12 chapters in Genki 1, that gives you 10 days per chapter.

  3. It is possible but it all depends on how much time you dedicate…N5 as Im sure you know is the easiest of the jlpt levels… even someone knowing just kana could prep for it in that amount of time…provided they put in the effort of course 😆

  4. you will easily pass the JLPT N3 exam if you attend a proper Japanese language school in Japan… It only require me 6 months and I started from scratch, from Hiragana Katakana.


    I suggest you to buy the JLPT N4 no mondai book that can be bought’s called nihongo 500 mon (日本語500問N4)

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